Dear Gabi,
Thanks for your page, I will be back to visit. I have dressed off/on since 5 years old. In an off phase went dated and married.
Had gotten back into and understand and accept now that it is part of me and great stress relief. Almost cost me my job due to poor reaction to stress.
I was trying to decide how to talk with my wife about it and left a journal site open. Now she knows before I was quite ready. I have seen your How to Tell Your Wife You’re a Crossdresser page but am looking for any other help tips there might be. If you have any, thanks.
I haven’t looked at everything here but your en femme pictures are awesome, you make very nice looking woman. If I can get half as cute as you I will be happy.
Good luck and enjoy in the future.
Continue reading Dear Gabi, Discovered by Wife… HELP!