The Adventures of Captain Cross Dresser

The Adventures of Captain Cross Dresser

“A mild mannered accountant reveals his cross dressing secret to his therapist. Captain Cross Dresser takes the law into his own hands, falls into the face of danger but then rises as the legend is born.”

“Captain Cross Dresser” is an awesome animated comedy short that I had the pleasure of enjoying after finding a write up and link to it on Tracy’s Happy Place. Please check out the 9 minute comedy short here on

This is the first time I’ve ever seen crossdressing featured in an accurate and positive way within a professional work of entertainment. Generally if crossdressing is shown in TV or film, it is just made fun of. Crossdressers are usually portrayed as weird-o’s, lunatics, mentally sick serial killers (Psycho), or as a comedic disguise: A man will be forced into a crossdressing situation, and stumble through the role of trying to look and behave as a woman. This time however, the lead character is a straight, married, closeted crossdresser – a family man who leads a normal life, works a normal job, and happens to be a crossdresser as well.

What makes this cartoon so amazing is that it is very well written and acted, the animation is (broadcast TV) high end, its very humorous (had me laughing out loud), and also very true to many of the realities in a crossdresser’s life. Finally, a crossdressing lead character shown in a realistic and positive light… AND has super powers!

Since discovering this entertaining comedy short on Tracy’s Happy Place, it has also been talked about in other blogs I frequent. In that respect, I’m a bit late with my own post about it, but I felt it worthy of mention anyway.

The creators of Captain Cross Dresser are working on getting it picked up as a series. Though just another witty, lighthearted comedy on the outside, it is really much more when you look deeper into it. If a show of this quality ever made it into the living rooms of a mainstream audience on a national or even world-wide scale, it just might help crossdressers (like yours truly) find a little acceptance in society. Even though this is just a comedic cartoon, it still shines a positive and truthful light on the realities of being a crossdresser… minus the super powers part.

If you maintain a blog, please make a post about The Adventures of Captain Cross Dresser. Help get the word out. If enough people take note of this, it might have a better chance of being picked up as a series. It’s about time we had some quality entertainment that featured slick animation, clever writing, very well done humor, AND did us justice at the same time.

8 thoughts on “The Adventures of Captain Cross Dresser”

  1. That show has potential… You can do almost anything in animation.That looks like a good website. A distraction from the stress of modern day employment… I like to get on the website before and after work. Hope all is well to everyone who posts or just enjoys the comments. Bye for now.

  2. So glad you all like the short…please check back in at Crackle, we would love to get your feedback there!

    Community Manager, Crackle

    1. You’re welcome, Jen. You really should get over to, create an account (only takes a minute and it’s free) and let them know how you feel by rating it and leaving a comment. You’ll see my comment there as well. Too bad it didn’t get much attention. I’d LOVE to see this become a series! :)

  3. Ouch:)


    Okay, as I was watching that, my tongue was firmly in cheek. But for the life of me I could not understand why.

    The story though goofy is also positive, if WWaaaaaaay far fetched.

    I may have to digest this for a fair review.

    I am sure there will be those that find if offensive for such a positive message (about the slave labor being stopped), by a man dressed as a woman, opposed to a strong female character. I can here the whine now “why does a man have to represent the abolition of the exploitation of women” or other sexist crud.

    For people of our mindset this can be a kinda positive thing, but for the average person, this would most likely be no more than a joke.

  4. As important as this is for all of us. Nothing is as importance as your family life is to short, and you can never get back that time you lose with your loved ones. I’ve enjoyed your site immensely and hope it keeps going. Dawn

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