Not long ago I did a write up about a little spider that decided to take a ride on my knee while I was exercising. After completing my daily trek on the treadmill yesterday, I noticed the little fella had returned. It was sitting on my exercise mat almost exactly where it had dropped down on me before. Not wanting it to get accidentally stepped on, I carefully blew it aside to the corner.
This morning, I found the spider right back on my exercise mat in the same spot. Upon closer examination, I noticed that it was rather dead. Not squashed or anything, just dead.
Continue reading Passing of an Eight Legged Admirer →
While exercising early this morning, I found myself the subject of interest to a rather curious little spider. I watched the little critter drop from the ceiling on its personal web-elevator. At first, it just looked like a piece of fuzz slowly dropping down, but fuzz it was not.
I really don’t mind spiders. Of all the little exoskeleton-clad freeloaders lurking in my home, spiders are the least likely to be squished by my powerful bug-mashing thumb. Although I’d rather have a house clear of insects and other little creatures, at least spiders help out by trapping and feasting on some of them.
This particular spider seemed rather curious about me and my exercise routine. So much so, that it decided to drop right down on my right knee while doing my leg-lifts. Come on, little spider – why must you land on my knee while it is moving about like that? Wouldn’t you prefer a more stable landing pad? Could you not have dropped down one foot further to my right? Continue reading to see the cool animation of where the spider landed on me. :)
Continue reading Along Came a Spider →
Exploration of society through a transgender perspective